10 ways you can share your gratitude

For many, showing appreciation can be difficult. Not because they don’t care, but because they are looking for the perfect way to do it.

Fortunately, showing appreciation is a great example of where your effort makes all the difference.

Why is it so important to show appreciation?

Scientists agree that we should all approach life with a little bit more gratitude.

However, showing your appreciation for your loved ones isn’t always easy. We’re all busy, with more on our plates than time to do it all. That being said, it’s important to take the time and make the effort to show your appreciation to your loved ones. Show your appreciation the next time you realize the value in something you received, the time your loved ones spent with you, or their contribution to your life. Your loved ones will feel valued and special, and may even hold you in higher regard. To do this, you can just give them a call and tell them about all of the things you appreciate. Or, try one of the ways I share below that can help demonstrate your appreciation in a more meaningful and memorable way.

This is why here are my 10 ways to show you care.

If you’re not sure how to show your loved ones how much you appreciate them, I’ve gathered up ten great ways. Here are the top ten ways you can show your appreciation for the people you cherish most


Give a gift

Presenting a gift is a heartfelt way to express gratitude and show your loved ones just how much you value their presence in your life. Take a look at our “You’re The Best Platter Bundle,” brimming with chocolate-covered apple slices, strawberries, and pineapples, paired with a delightful bouquet of “Thank you” balloons. Alternatively, explore our “For Everything You Do Bundle,” featuring a stunning fruit arrangement, two dozen freshly baked cookies, and an accompanying “Thank you” balloon. These thoughtfully curated options offer a warm and sincere way to convey your appreciation and let them know they are cherished.


Give and appreciation note

Expressing gratitude to your loved one in writing lets them know that their efforts haven’t gone unnoticed. Luckily, your appreciation letter doesn’t have to be long or wordy to make a big impression. Keep it simple and sincere by providing an example of how she went above and beyond for you. Then, wrap it up and let them know how much you appreciate them.



A simple compliment can go a long way in making your loved ones feel appreciated. In fact, studies have found that receiving a compliment makes your brain react just like it would if you were paid a monetary award. Be specific and sincere for the biggest impact.


Create something hand made by you

Not all gifts have to be storebought. Instead, a homemade gift can make your loved ones feel especially appreciated, as they’ll know that you took time out of your busy schedule to create something just for them.


Take that person fo a coffee and cake

Meet up with your loved ones for a cup of coffee. Not only does it provide a chance for the two of you to catch up, but it also shows them you appreciate them by carving out time out of your schedule to spend together.


Listen to them, lend a listening ear

Listening is perhaps the world’s best way to show appreciation. When you lend a supportive ear and listen with curiosity, care, and compassion, your loved ones feel appreciated and valued. Plus, your connection and bond will truly deepen.


Do something they enjoy

Spend quality time with your loved ones to show your gratitude. Even better, put them first and consider doing something that they really enjoy that isn’t particularly your cup of tea. At the very least, you’ll learn something new.


Make a photo album

Each photograph lovingly chosen, each memory delicately preserved, becomes a testament to the beautiful moments we’ve shared with our loved ones. It’s not just about the pictures; it’s about the stories, the laughter, and the emotions captured within those pages. Creating a photo album is a labor of love, a tangible expression of gratitude that says, “Your presence in my life matters.” It’s a precious gift of time, care, and remembrance, a way to freeze moments in time and cherish them forever.


Help Out

They are always willing to help out in a pinch, so feel free to return the favour. Help them clean, deliver a home-cooked meal to their family, or offer to do her grocery shopping. No matter what you choose, lending a hand will make them feel appreciated and valued.


Just say thank you

It may be easily overlooked, but a simple word of thanks can go a long way. Tell your loved one how much you appreciate her, and be clear and specific about the things you appreciate.

Show your loved ones your appreciation with these ten tips. You’ll deepen your connections with your favorite people and feel happier in your life.

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